Medical Anthropology
Special Issue: Uterus Talks
Manuscript in process
Technologies of uterine control: misoprostol and the politics of reproduction in Burkina Faso and Senegal
African women’s uteri have long been objects of biomedical and technological control, from promotion of births by colonial authorities to fertility reduction by development experts. Technologies such as Cesarean section and vacuum aspiration continue to target African women’s uteri to reduce maternal mortality. We explore misoprostol–a medication for safe abortion and preventing postpartum hemorrhage–as a technology of reproductive control in Burkina Faso and Senegal. By situating authorized and off-label misoprostol use within political, clinical, pharmaceutical, and community landscapes of obstetric care, we examine perils of and possibilities for uterine control offered by this medication to local, national, and global stakeholders.
Conferences and Presentations
La Démocratie au Féminin – Symposium International en Hommage à Madame Fatou Sow
15-17 May 2025
Dakar, Senegal
La Fondation de l’innovation pour la démocratie
Participant: Seynabou Sakho, Sociology, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal (Project Coordinator, Senegal)
Anthropology and the Black Experience Conference
15-18 May 2025
Dakar, Senegal
Into Women’s Hands: Misoprostol and the Politics of Reproduction in West Africa
Key Words: Burkina Faso, Senegal, obstetric care, reproductive control, pharmaceuticalization, misoprostol, ethnography, collaborative research
Reproduction in Africa continues to be pathologized by global North scientists as an intractable problem of overabundant fertility and undermedicalization. When it comes to maternal mortality, global health experts have emphasized modern contraception and hospital births as solutions. More recently, the medication misoprostol has been heralded as a pharmaceutical silver bullet for reducing maternal death in Africa related to unsafe abortion and postpartum hemorrhage. Misoprostol softens the cervix and causes the uterus to contract. It is heat stable, relatively affordable in small quantities, and can be administered by non-physicians, or by women themselves. Throughout the continent, misoprostol has been introduced to public health systems as an essential medication for obstetric care. Additionally, international NGOs have promoted misoprostol in private markets as a way of achieving reproductive rights.
Drawing on ethnographic research on the use and circulation of misoprostol in Burkina Faso and Senegal, we disrupt common discourses about misoprostol as a public health, neoliberal, and feminist panacea to the problem of maternal mortality in Africa. We ask: how does a “life-saving” drug find its way into the hands of some patients, consumers, and health workers, but not others? How do inequities in access to misoprostol illuminate enduring and emerging struggles to exercise control over African reproduction along the lines of race, geography, gender, profession, and class?
We conduct this research through a collaboration of faculty and graduate students at l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop in Senegal, l’Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo in Burkina Faso, and Brandeis University in the US. We train, mentor, and supervise graduate students in collecting and analyzing ethnographic data. Research methods include interviews, observation in health facilities and pharmacies, and mystery client studies with in-person and virtual vendors. Through our collaborative approach, we aim to center African scholars and universities in the production of knowledge about reproduction in Africa.
Prof. Tidiane Ndoye, Sociology, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal
Seynabou Sakho, Sociology, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal (Project Coordinator, Senegal)
Prof. Nathalie Sawadogo, Demography, Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Burkina Faso
Christelle Kafondo, Demography, Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Burkina Faso (Project Coordinator, Burkina Faso)
Prof. Siri Suh, Sociology, Brandeis University, US
Center for Health Action and Social Medicine Speaker Series
Department of Family and Community Medicine
24-25 October 2024
University of California, Davis
Saving Lives? Post-Abortion Care, Misoprostol, and Global Maternal Health Politics in West Africa
Participant: Siri Suh
Almost all global maternal deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition to promoting facility-based births, global health experts have encouraged harm reduction interventions and medications such as the post-abortion care (PAC) model and misoprostol to reduce maternal mortality related to abortion complications and postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). Misoprostol can be administered by non-physicians, or by women themselves, in managing abortion complications and PPH and in terminating pregnancies. Drawing on ethnographic research in Burkina Faso and Senegal, I explore how models and discourses of harm reduction and self care are transforming clinical, professional, and technological landscapes of reproductive health in West Africa. While these approaches have increased access to life-saving care for some, they have also exacerbated reproductive health inequalities and constrained mid level providers’ capacity to provide care. In this talk, I call attention to the role of aid donors, NGOs, and pharmaceutical companies in the global governance of reproductive health, and reflect on possibilities for reproductive justice.
Into Women’s Hands? Misoprostol and Reproductive Justice in West Africa
Participant: Siri Suh
“Into Women’s Hands” is a collaborative research project involving faculty and graduate students from Université Cheikh Anta Diop in Senegal, Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo in Burkina Faso, and Brandeis University in the US. We conduct ethnographic research on the use and circulation of misoprostol in Burkina Faso and Senegal. At a time when misoprostol is widely recognized as a pharmaceutical approach to reducing maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa, we ask: how does a life-saving medication end up in the hands of some consumers, patients, and health workers, but not others? We draw on the principle of reproductive justice to investigate structural inequalities in reproductive health care. We train, mentor, and supervise graduate students in collecting and analyzing ethnographic data. Research methods include interviews, observation in health facilities and pharmacies, and mystery client studies with in-person and virtual vendors. Through our collaborative approach, we aim to center African scholars and universities in the production of knowledge about reproduction in Africa. In this talk, I highlight the advantages, possibilities, and challenges of conducting collaborative research on reproductive health.
AcDev Forum International de Dakar sur la Santé de la Reproduction des Ados-Jeunes et leur Engagement dans la Santé Communautaire
De la Lutte Contre la Mortalité Maternelle (Misoprostol) à la Santé Mentale : Grossesses Non Désirées et Effets Induits au Sénégal
Participant: Tidiane Ndoye
Cette communication aborde les intersections critiques entre la santé maternelle, la santé mentale et les droits reproductifs au Sénégal, en se concentrant sur les implications des grossesses non désirées, en particulier pour les femmes souffrant de handicaps mentaux. À travers des études de cas, cette communication souligne les charges sociétales et psychologiques importantes auxquelles les femmes sont confrontées en raison des pratiques d'avortement criminalisées, ainsi que l'impact sur la santé mentale des grossesses non désirées qui conduisent souvent à la stigmatisation sociale et à l'incarcération. En faisant la lumière sur ces questions, nous proposons des réformes politiques qui reconnaissent et traitent les répercussions négligées des grossesses non désirées sur la santé mentale, dans le but de favoriser une approche plus solidaire et inclusive de la santé des femmes et des droits reproductifs.
14-16 October 2024
Re-worlding Reproduction: Navigating Emerging Knowledge, Politics, and Justice
16-19 September 2024
University of Pretoria
South Africa
Panel: Problematizing Reproduction in Africa: Critical Perspectives on Pregnancy, Birth, and Abortion from Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal
Participant: Tidiane Ndoye, “Into women’s hands? Exploring availability and use of misoprostol in Burkina Faso and Senegal”
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting
9-13 August 2024
Montréal, Québec
Thematic Session Panel: Liberating Abortion: Intersectional and Transnational Opportunities for Achieving Reproductive Justice
Participant: Siri Suh, “Into Women’s Hands: Authorized and Off-Label Use of Misoprostol in Burkina Faso and Senegal”
Plenary Session Panel: Transnational Feminist Solidarities
Participant: Siri Suh
M. Jacqui Alexander Lecture Series
4 April 2024
Brandeis University
Participant: Siri Suh, “Reproductive Justice in Global Perspective: Histories, Politics, and Practices of Reproductive Control in the African Diaspora”
12th Annual Meeting of the Ouagadougou Partnership
11-13 December 2023
Abidjan, Ivory Coast
Poster Session: Gender and reproductive health: Strategies for social and behavioral change in favor of young people
Participant: Tidiane Ndoye, “Recourse to abortion among young women and induced vulnerabilities in Senegal”
Consortium for Graduate Studies in Gender, Culture, Women and Sexuality, MIT
30 November 2023
Virtual Event
Panel: Feminisms Unbound, Radicalizing Reproduction
Participant: Siri Suh
American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting
15-19 November 2023
Toronto, Ontario
Round Table: Biomedical Objects: technologies, techniques, transitions
Participant: Siri Suh
Late-Breaking Roundtable: Abolition and Pathways to Reproductive Liberation
Participant, Siri Suh
Deeply Rooted: Faith in Reproductive Justice Series
6 November 2023
Hadassah-Brandeis Institute, Brandeis University
Seminar: "Into Women's Hands: Misoprostol and the Global Politics of Reproduction in Burkina Faso and Senegal"
Participant: Siri Suh
Symposium: New Perspectives on the Politics of Global Health
5 October 2023
Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, Brown University
Talk: Into Women’s Hands? Misoprostol and the Global Politics of Reproduction in Burkina Faso and Senegal
Participant: Siri Suh