Seynabou Sakho
Seynabou Sakho, who holds a Master's degree in health sociology, is the team's research coordinator in Senegal. She has coordinated several research projects, including the evaluation of the "Wash and Clean" tool for UNICEF in maternity hospitals in Kaolack and Diourbel, to change staff behavior in order to combat nosocomial infections, the Program "Mass administration of drugs with dihydro-artemisinin-piperaquine and primaquine" to understand the factors of social acceptability of the campaign in Tambacounda, "Use of Artificial Intelligence in the fight against Covid19 in Senegal and Mali" with the Sociology Laboratory of Anthropology and Psychology (LA.S.A.P), in Dakar. As part of her academic research in Master2, she worked in the field of maternal health to analyze the follow-up of post-partum women in Touba between public health logics and social rationalities. In the course of these different evaluations, she implemented data collection systems - quantitative and qualitative - the analysis of which allowed her to identify evidence that served as a basis for conclusions, recommendations and the development of implementation plans for these recommendations.